Teacher & Student Resources

Teacher and Student Resources are presented here to help better prepare students for their upcoming visit to Northern Stars Planetarium. Feel free to download any of the activities, guides, and materials you find useful.

Helping the Apprehensive Child

Occasionally a child may be nervous or frightened of the planetarium or the dark. The following two files may help. Planetarium Gallery is a photographic outline of what Northern Stars Planetarium is, how it works, and what to expect. Planetarium Magic is a fictional story, with artwork created by Maine school children, designed to help young children lose their fear of any planetarium.

  •  Planetarium Gallery—What’s it all about? See photos of Northern Stars Planetarium setting up, the equipment used to make the stars and pictures, and what goes on inside the big gray bubble.

  •  Planetarium Magic is a fictional story that follows a class that visits a traditional planetarium. One student is the son of the planetarium operator and has no fear, while another student is scared. In the end, knowing what to expect helps all to have a great experience.

Star Charts

Activity Sheets

  • Off Site Resources
