Northern Stars— Virtual Star Party Video Series

  1. Recorded Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Parties (Grades 5-12 and adult) is a series of online star parties that John hosted for the Universe Explorers of Maine Club using Slooh Online Remote Telescopes which are situated in the Canary Islands and Chile.

  2. Virtual Star Parties with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust.

1.1 Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Party March 2, 2023 A recorded online Star Party exploring the life cycles of stars.

1.2 Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Party February 2, 2023 A recorded online Star Party exploring the Green Comet, comets in general, and the Messier Catalog which was put together in the 18th century by Charles Messier as he searched for comets. The 110 deep sky objects in the Messier Catalog are some of the best known nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies to be found with backyard telescopes, but Messier was cataloguing them simply so he wouldn’t mistake them for comets, which was his really passion.

1.3 Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Party October 6, 2022. A recorded online Star Party exploring some of John’s favorite fall deep sky objects.

1.4 Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Party December 6, 2021. A recorded online star party where John leads everyone in an exploration of nebulae.

1.5 Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Party October 15, 2021. A recorded online star party where John explores the sky as seen by William Herschel, his sister Caroline, and his son John who were some of the greatest sky observers in all of astronomical history. William discovered Uranus in 1781, and all three of them discovered numerous deep sky objects.

1.6 Universe Explorers of Maine/Slooh Star Party May 7, 2021. A recorded online star party where John explores the Caldwell Catalog of deep sky objects. The Caldwell Catalog was put together by Sir Patrick “Caldwell” Moore, a famous British popularizer of astronomy. He designed his list to compliment and add to the famous Messier list of similar objects.

Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust Star Party Videos:

2.1 The January 2023 Virtual Night Sky Tour with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust.

2.2 The February 2023 Virtual Night Sky Tour with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust.

2.3 March is Messier Marathon Time! Exploring Charles Messier and the Messier catalog with the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, March 2023.

2.4 The April 2022 Virtual Night Sky Tour with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust.

2.5 The April 2023 Virtual Night Sky Tour with the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust.

2.6 June Sky Exploration with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, 2022.

2.7 The July Sky with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, 2023.

2.8 The August Sky with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, 2023.